chapter 1 observing the armed camps at a place of pilgrimage "sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. therefore it is not proper for us to kill our relatives and our friends. although these men, overtaken by greed see no fault in killing one's family or quailing with friends, why should we, with knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts? the eternal family tradition is vanquished and thus the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligious practice. a hellish situation is created both for the family and for those who destroy the family tradition. due to the evil deeds of the destroyers of the family tradition, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are devastated." the preceeding conversation was: A.) an iraqi insurgent conference B.) a foiled 1980 gurukuli coup attempt C.) arjuna chastising krsna over policy D.) one man's pathetic attempts at avoiding military obligation what if your whole life's worth hung on the answer to one multiple choice question? if you have the correct answer, you mount a speeding energy bullet that rockets you back into the vaikuntha# atmosphere. an incorrect answer will produce a variety of less successful results, ranging from what you've been currently experiencing to a space shuttle type disaster that hurls one back into the animal species in a kuntha atmosphere. "gee, an awful lot seems to hang on the outcome of this test. if only i'd prepared a little bit better for it, i might know the correct answer. even if i guess, i've still got a twenty=five per cent chance of getting it right! no, that can't be. one can't guess their way "back to Godhead"#. or can they? why speculate like this? the confessions of a sick mind? the demented ramblings of someone cursed with mental illness? and, if so, what could have caused such mental tramua? with the ISKCON suicide rate way above average and the abused child syndrome driving ISKCON's youth suicide rate to over four times the national average, there are clearly some points that would need to be explained prior to any anticipated world takeover. perhaps a little more "unity in the ranks" would have us better prepared for these up and coming events. and if that sounds ominously prophetic, so might the rest of the essay. having come from nepal, with meditative shakti from accomplished austerities, some sage has sent the following data, via this medium, for those with the ability to decipher the facts from the "fracs". fractured versions of half truths have often been marketed as "the real deal" in the past, so why would now be anything different? the human form seems to be eternally morphing into some new, improved version of the earlier species, but it never turns out to be so. delusion and madness over one's granduer sooner or later results in the head to head conflict that attempts to solve the dispute over supremacy. this is true for animals at the watering hole, workers at the water cooler, or militaristic madmen dining finely in their palaces. some recent ISKCON related ramblings purport glee over the death of one of amerika and israel's enemies, zarqawi, and at the same time this site claims to explain a god conscious point of view. where is the viakuntha understanding of one living being dying in an unenlightened condition? the cheap sahajiya imitations, posing themselves as learned men, have garnered a political control over the financial aspect of what they saw to be Bhaktivedanta swami's mission. the information gathered here contains personal interviews with convicted mass murder, thomas drescher, known throughout the krsna community as tirtha, tirtha swami, and "fringee", at various different times and in different locations. these are the confessions of a Hare KRSNA hitman. bear in mind that tirtha has called the west virginia grand jury into session four times with his "new and improved" version of the facts. this costs the bankrupt state of west virginia millions of dollars each time he changes his story, depending on whom it is that he is trying to protect at the current time. the current winner of the tom drescher award for spiritual correctness is richard slavin, radhanath das. drescher's stories now implicate k swa and exonerate radhanath but as a convicted mass murderer under incarceration his answers maybe highly skewed by who controls his food supply, currently radhanath, via his new vrndaban connection which he claims to have severed. could zarqawi severe his al=queda connection? could usama bin laden repent his al=queda mentality? if bin laden were to release a tape proposing an amnesty agreement and his family would rebuild the towers, would anyone believe him? similarly, radhanath's connection to new vrndaban, the home of his sanyass guru k swa, can never be severed. what lunacy to propose such a thing.just like taking Prabhupada's name from the palace and reducing it to the palace of gold or changing new vrndaban ghee to simply vrndaban ghee. the palace of gold, once Prabhupada's Palace, has lost it's luster. the restaurant closes for structural instability and the palace crumbles as the managers loot the treasury for their amourous escapades, even to the point of selling the art off the walls. kuladri, the new vrndaban community general manager for five of the last six years, has drawn annual salaries of $50,000 to $80,000 with yearly pay increases a must. under recent pressure for his immediate removal, he agreed to step aside for the good of the community and rule from the sidelines while putting ISKCON's great white hope for financial success, lenny rader/narada muni at the helm. muni had over 10 years of experience at bilking indians via the new vrndaban community# logo and he seemed to ISKCON's advanced spiritualists detectors to be the perfect man for the job. he'd lived at new vrndaban before and he knew that the days of austerity were a thing of the past. he knew all the current felons in= charge, and, at least so far, he was felony conviction free, a real plus when so much of your time and energy must go into heading off the next RICO# indictment. k swa's NY center is trying to merge with ISKCON only to find that there is no ISKCON left to merge with. ITSGON.# this then is the obituary for a make believe movment. just as Sita emerged from the fire having been protected by agni from the time the maya sita left Laxman's protective fire perimeter, similarly, the true ISKCON, the true gaudiya math will emerge from the fire a more purified entity. like gold is put in the fire for purification, or steel is forged until it is tempered and hardened enough, in this same way, the turmoils the movement experiences are to be expected. "no pain, no gain" the health enthusiasts often say. "you gotta feel the burn"! soon, as promised by Bhaktivedanta Swami maharaj, all the americans will feel the burn, as will the rest of the world. He comes to complete scripture, not to challenge it. when life deals you lemons, you make lemonade; when life deals you losers, you make a loser=torium. new vrndaban was the loser=torium for the entire hare krsna movement. the rule was if you had anyone too nuts to keep at your temple, you should send them to new vrndaban. in this way, the most tough nut cases of the whole planet wound up on two hundred acres of west virginia soil. and of all the nuts at new vrndaban, the most certifiable went to the brahmachari ashram. "come up to the top and try to live as austerely as we do!", was the challenge often leveled at anyone wearing a white dhoti. few people other than the provisions provider knew that the thirty males at the brahmachari ashram consumed as much "maha",# sugar and fruit at their farm as what fed the two hundred householders at the farm at the other end of the commune. the brahmacharis consumed more than four times the quota distributed to the householders, yet still the "austerity myth persevered. some of the great personalities that this ashram yielded up were sri galima, radhanath, kasyapa, and gopinath all of whom play key roles in the criminal activity that new vrndaban became a hot bed for.with this core element and the occasional other felons that drifted through new vrndaban, it had become common place for the residents to sign vyasa=puja offerings# with "the inmates of new vrndaban" rather than the more traditional "new vrndaban yatra" that all the other temples used. it was a tongue in cheek aside to those who knew what it all meant. it should have stopped being a joke long before k swa was able to assemble a army of the most heinous child abusers since kansa's time. the mentality that inspired the outlaw mystique fed the egos of some of those who resided at new vrndaban and the belief was that if they were offensive, krsna would drive them away. over the course of time the faith in krsna driving away the evil doers waned and the faith came more to rest with thugs, hit men and enforcers. the wednesday night fights, with matches selected by k swa for his amusement became a "must attend" event, even if you weren't scheduled for a beating. it seemed the intimidation factor served the purpose of silencing any potential complainers and it was usually enough motivation for those receiving the beatings to consider relocating to another temple or leaving the movement altogether. the once unified ashram could still remain unified, it was just that the loyalty had to be to k swa or one of his minions. similar situations existed eleven times over, all over the planet. each of these "replacement gurus" purported to have become initiating guru. jagat guru, on the order of their spiritual master, while, in fact, just the opposite is the case. they are each in direct disobedience to their own spiritual master and, therefore,only disaster awaits them. the second generation of ISKCON, having been denied their birthright to have A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami as their spiritual master, have the right to a far more important lawsuit. this one should be between them and The Supreme Lord, complete with His Explanation as to why all these events have transpired. to bring such an explanation about, all any of The Lord need do is to humbly request The Lord to reveal His Universal Form to them. He will do this, without a doubt, and regardless how distasteful the outcome may seem, the real devotees will accept it with the humble "i deserve worse!" attitude. still the battle lines are being drawn for a kuruksetra type conflagration and the devotees only choice is "which side does God want us to be on?". it is not up to any one individual to forgive and forget any of the transgressions of the laws of dharma# that have occured over these years. one may and probably even should forgive any offenses committed against their person but a devotee should not be tolerant of offenses made against other devotees. what happened in the gurukulas, especially those in vrndaban and new vrndaban is an unconscionable obscenity and anyone defending such behavior is demoniac. the current "it was their karma!" or "they had it coming!" philosophies so much in vogue throughout ISKCON are pure rubbish and indicate a very neophyte approach to krsna consciousness. six kinds of aggressors should be killed immediately. it is a fact. this is not 'dated material" as some in ISKCON have claimed, nor has it's validity expired with the arrival of sri caitanya. not unlike flying the american flag over the palace. the palace that was once "Prabhupada's Palace" has now become simply "the palace of gold". what was once new vrndaban ghee has changed it's name to vrndaban ghee. what was formerly the interfaith experiment of ISKCON has come to be the "let's put the Deities to rest and get laid!" cesspool. more fallen sanyassis in management positions than anywhere else in the world and the swindles they are now running make the new vrndaban of old look like a boy scout camp. it's not that all guests shouldn't have to kneel to the american flag before they visit the palace, but any number of devotees have taken offense at this lame attempt to sanatize new vrndaban's image. two camps, the exiles and the usurpers, exist. to deny the confrontational manner of the antagonistswould be folly. to deny the existence of parallel circumstances to kuruksetra would be putting one's head in the sand at a time when one's eyes should be kept wide open. knowing the symptoms of The Supreme Lord's Appearance should make His detection obvious to one who is truly a devotee of His. the clear disagreement over whether conditions are right for An Incarnation to appear, forms camps that will be both decisive and devisive in any attempts at negotiations. these camps, like moths to flames, will ultimately be led to their fates by their natures and the unstoppable urge to act. no one should lament past bad decisions unless they agree not to act in such a manner henceforth. such ambivalence will be non=productive and stress causing and not favorable for anyone's God Consciousness.