chapter 17 dividing the faith "confrontational politics puts the opponent up against the wall and forces him to define himself. he has to make a choice. radicalization of the individual means that he must commit himself to the struggle to change the society as well as share the radical view of what is wrong with the society." --- mark rudd, columbia university, 1968 in the devastating aftermath of the behavior of their replacement guru army, ISKCON had produced it's own abu grahib type prison scandal. ISKCON had had a "Prabhupada's disciples" meeting at NV in the mid-1980's to discuss "the problems in our movement". the conclusions and the solutions of this meeting were not released to the general mass of devotees as anything other than a stilted ISKCON policy statement. these decisions, being handed down from on high as we are led to believe they have been, were to be regarded as having the papal seal of infallibility. the only thing missing was the opportunity for the peasants to wait in line to be able to kiss the pope's ring. at NV, even that opportunity was available. jayadwaita had become the leading spokesperson for the movement's faction that sought to remove the crown that k swa had put on Srila Prabhupada's head. he also sought to remove k swa from new vrndaban, nay, ALL OF ISKCON, by any means necessary. k swa had put a crown on Srila Prabhupada, first in the Palace, and now he'd erected a 35 foot high murti in homage to Srila Prabhupada on the back lawn of the Palace. JAS had approached several groups to destroy the murti before the cement was even cured. had he discussed the sexual abuse his compatriot dhanadar was the overseer of, instead of trying to incite the gurukulis to destroy the murti many of them had just helped to build, perhaps he would have been more warmly received. he didn't and he wasn't. his offer to "buy hammers so you and all of your friends can tear that thing down", was just looked at as some more of the adult lunacy that many of the second generation of Swami maharaj, Srila Prabhupada's disciples have come to expect out of most of the first generationists. what a bunch of loons! the supposed reason for the destruction of the murti that he had nothing to do with but envy was "because there is no cover over Srila Prabhupada and the pigeons can pass stool on his head", which it was further explained was a serious breech of "Prabhupada said"isms. jayadwaita spent two years trying to get that icon, that idol, destroyed and he finally found a cohort in the old grave digger from the taru rubout, kasyapa. kasyapa was living it fast and loose since the k swa removal. he had left NV and his sanyass guru when the homo/hetero thing became an issue, but not before taking the name, varsana swami, as if the behavior was within his puny power. this debauche has seduced women for decades and will still take their money as a sanyassi. this was first introduced by lord indra to impede a horse sacrifice but now it serves more as an endless source of funding for the spiritually overconfident. this over confidence, just as it did to k swa, will "Trickle down" on their spiritual creepers like acid on cotton. the bird poop story didn't convince the gurukulis at NV, but they weren't even on as much drugs as the swamis at NV. these dudes were hooked up. kasyapa had been on pain pills since loooong before he took his stick in his hand. all the devotees in the movement were either considered sudras or they were in the bad back club. "i'd like to help you with that prabhu, but i have a bad back,", was the mantra they would chant whenever it appeared that things might get more practical than theoretical. these were your "hand in a bead bag all day" guys. so were half the urchins rounded up off the streets of india, but in india, that was a requirement for getting two meals per day, two dhotis, and a secure place to sleep at night. in the US, that would start to get you cash donations after a number of years, and many availed themselves of the new found, and now very comfortably accepted, financial success. like thieves in the night, these two bogus sanyassis made it their goal to destroy the Prabhupada murti, and destroy it they did. kasyapa, who started drinking wine on the order of his sanyass guru, k swa, and now was doing hard liquor and balling anything that rolled up to his cabin, and roll up they did and still do. to see this rogue worshiped by ISKCON as "in good standing", is a testament to how far your intelligence can be lost by Guru aparadha. the cheaters and the cheated. ISKCONners deserve the "gurus" they are given. if you are sincere, you will have a sincere guru. as some of you may guess, this is written by a number of different folks. different ages, different angles of vision of events, different writing styles, but we get a broader perspective that way. also, no one person gets rubbed out anymore. in the words of sulocan prabhu, "it's gone way beyond that now!". like an embattled white house press corps, the public relations department was on full alert. the challenges to their credibility were generally just sniping at NV's successes from disgruntled former residents, or at least that was the NV party line. many of the k swa innovations that were implemented during the ISKCON expusion were incorporated with it back into ISKCON when NV was readmitted. some of the more magnificent of these blunders are the worship of these persons as if they were more significant than the bottom of a devotees shoe. they are not. not dev swa. not radhanath. not kasyapa, or whatever he calls himself now. not jaya murari swami. not nityo dita swami. not malati swami. not all the k swa breeding stock that can't advance beyond their sanyass guru. and definitely not with top buffoon swami and his consort and the land swindle the community signed with them. the silencing of sulocan was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin of a dissenter. the monkey on a stick that was supposed to silence all the other monkeys from chattering about what was really going on. just like the kent state killings had silenced the anti-war movement of the 70's, so too the monkey on a stick was supposed to put an end, once and for all, to any insurgency, vocal or otherwise, within or without of the ISKCON ranks. now, like an ISKCON version of che guevara, just the opposite of what had been expected was the result of the assassination. like a rigid member behind a sanyassis front pleats, many moved to hide things in order to protect the status quo. "what did you know and when did you know it?" had been howard baker's repetitive refrain to all the witnesses in the watergate breakin trial of the early 70's. the demigods charged with conducting an investigation into the ISKCON collapse, asking the same line of questioning would equally devastate ISKCON's leadership as the watergate trials did to the nixon administration. many who now hoist the american flag to show their loyalty would claim that jesus or Srila Prabhupada had said not to challenge the powers that be. this is as perverse a perversion as one might ever expect to see, and nothing could be further from the truth. the radical, revolutionary movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had brought the kirtan to the kazi's door, not slaughtered a goat for mangal arti, as the modern day quislings suggest we do. the debate raged around the world on the ISKCON gossip network, now speeded up by technological advances. now, not only those allowed to use the phone at the temple could compare notes with other devotees. like so many icons in public parks, the once high and mighty shining leaders had become tarnished and covered with poop. there were four primary categories that everyone in the movement fell into in the turmoil of the ISKCON meltdown. these four groups were; 1. THE UNINFORMED 2. THE LOYALISTS 3. THE MOVERS 4. THE UNINFORMERS the rank and file devotees of the movement worldwide had little or no association with their own spiritual master. many even feel they were somehow "cheated", in this regard. this is not the case. the loyal potwashers and cooks, the pujaris and the book distributors who were so fully engaged that they didn't know what was going on are not at fault. the parents who dutifully sent their children off to Swami maharaj's gurukulas, be they dallas, vrndaban, new vrndaban, or mayapur or one of the local ones were not wrong. Lord Ramachandra reminds us that it is not a sin to have a criminal act done to you. it is, however, a sin to have done the act. there is an absurd notion going about that the abused children have somehow committed heinous acts and they are simply reaping the karmic reaction for some past horrendous sinful behavior. this preposterous hallucination allows the under achievers, ISKCON"s version of nerds, to fulfill their desire to be smug with those they have no right to be smug with. the universal dilemma arose. the battle between good and evil was joined. when The Lord incarnates, He does so to exhibit His Fighting Propensity. He is worshiped in awe and reverence in Vaikuntha. He has no such needs in this atmosphere. still, He is eternally the Object of our worship. He is the self sufficient philosopher from time, immemorial. thus, these are the Pastimes of The Lord and all serious devotionally inclined individuals would know such. fools and rascals deride My Human descent, KRSNA has warned us in His Gita. a quasi-elite band of merchants, under the auspices of some non-exist and uniform ISKCON policy have manipulated the movement for their purposes for far too long now. all these verbose pontificators have managed to propagate are their own propensities to propagate. this class of "devotees" have appeared to un-inform people on the subject matters deemed too highly sensitive or too offensive. so offensive that it can only be talked about behind closed doors by the elite, it has been decided for the devotees that certain subject matters are taboo. that those "in good standing" can not be reported as miscreants or the whistleblower is the one who is committing the offense by reporting the nefarious acts of these rascals. some of the more notorious of the mis-informers of ISKCON's recent past include kuladri, annutama, amy hobson, gupta, nityo dita swami, laxmimoni, dhira govinda, tamohara and the entire florida based "child protective office/children of krsna" scam. kuladri, as the then general manager of NV had to carry the cross of telling the national public radio audience that NV wanted any of those having complaints against the community to please come forward. this court ordered edict was not the result of some backlash of guilt that kuladri and company felt. it was not the outpouring of positive energy aimed at rebuilding the community. it was a requirement of the federal court in order to investigate these matters. judge friend in wheeling asked kuladrt, "how big can this thing get?","it started out with 92 in dallas, now there are 34 more in LA and more than that here in west virginia. are you sure this is the end of this?". ISKCON's lawyers assured the judge that it was and that they had seen the very last of the complainers. that list had since grown to over 620, with all but 6 of those individuals signing a release and freeing ISKCON and many of it's parts and parcels from any culpability for their acts. are the yamaduttas satisfied? and what of those six? or the hundreds of others still in the closet about what they were forced to endure in the name of spiritual training? what about the return of "jagat guru" bhavananda? or the continuing abuse in mayapur, even to this day? or about the loss of all the records of the abuse, by tamohara, and the CPO in 2006? kuladri is a convicted felon who draws over $ 70,000 per year to defend NV in court. he and muni inherit six real estate holding companies created at the turn of the millennium in an attempt to conceal the assets of new vrndaban, less they fall into the hands of the younger, more qualified 2nd generation. charged with abuse by one of his own daughters, this father of 5 has been indiscreet with any number of women at NV's expense. anuttama das, public relations director for ISKCON, has never met a crisis that he saw coming. ever the optimist, this spin doctor tries to keep the indian community of the belief that the management are "Prabhupada's men", which many of them will admit, although a standard they may aspire to, is one that few, if any have achieved. the fact that there are so many factions of ISKCON, many of whom are openly hostile to one another, they hold to be a good thing rather than an incrimination. amy hobson is an initiated disciple of radhanath. she is the niece of the former attorney general of the US and she was used by the US justice department to sleep her way to the top of the NV food chain in 1992 when her aunt took over ed meese's ongoing campaign against the KRSNA compound. the republican ouster from national politics put the anti-cult operation in the hands of janet reno and her niece was used as an operative to infiltrate the WV compound. amy slyly approached through adwaita's NY anti-ISKCON manhattan avenue project. her attempts to sleep with nityo dita swami were unsuccessful but she did manage to bed down and control his number 2 man, a NY street urchin called rabbi. rabbi's weekly trips to NV and back were amy's way in and out, undetected. everyone knew they were intimate so it only follows that they would be together. plus, in the post 1986 aftermath there were as many FBI agents as serious bhaktas and many were undetected. amy was one of those by the time the child abuse case surfaced. as abusees started gathering info, amy made sure they were denied access to assembly areas and they were kept from the investigating authorities. amy made it known at a sunday feast, that no one was to cooperate with the state police investigation and that anyone who did would have to leave NV. at that point, the investigation was focused on saci pita and the two years of rapes on toddlers and infants left in their care by the weekend skamkirtan mothers. radhanath hooked up his disciple, saci, with the proper channels for the maximum bang for your buck. 3 months in minimum security for more than 600 rapes was allegedly further proof of "KRSNA's Protection of his devotee". this type of newspeak mentality has crept through the woodpile, now to even include some of the top knotheads of the pile. amy had left rabbi for firmer grounds at NV. she had tried a couple of status climbing moves before her conquest of david waterman(garga rsi das), the Palace manager. the Palace treasury became amy's once she outed rsi's latest concubine as the queen of his bed. rsi had gone so far as to sell the art work off the Palace walls for the sake of the bimbos he was having his ways with. puskar's six foot rupa and sanatan goswami was sold for under $ 1,000. complaints about the sale have since brought the work back to the walls of the Palace. amy elevated herself to the position of spokesperson for the community and exiled anyone trying to assist in the bringing to justice the perpetrators of the evils of the gurukula. when the troopers who were conducting the investigation came to work one day, they were told that the investigation was over, the case was closed. they were stopped by the FBI on the orders of the attorney general herself. amy had "aunt janet's" personal beeper number and they spoke several times per week. amy left new vrndaban in jan 2001 with the arrival of the republicans in washington, DC, taking with her 26 prime acres of real estate that had been transferred into her name for minimal cash consideration. amy later sold this land for a profit to deer hunters, now a NV sanctioned event. few knew that the ISKCOWPLOP donation bin supports the new NV policy of exterminating those residents of The Holy Dham in those deer bodies. this mistress of misinformation never admitted her link to DC, not even to rsi. david fedorsky(gupta das. orchestrated the settlement of the gang rape of a 14 year old girl by four radhanath disciples at NV in 2005. the settlement had this girl move to the front of the line, receiving her settlement payment check before anyone else so that she would not testify against her attackers, thereby putting a halt to the criminal proceedings. the community then tried to forcibly expel the young girl and her mother and even used the threats of violence against these defenseless women. the crudballs who raped her were moved by their gurudev radhanath back to india, with the exception of the malaysian passport holding, chandra das. he went to long island and was part of NV takeover attempt at the LI temple. the expansion plans have recently derailed with radhanath resigning as GBC of NV. miniraj radhanath has decided to travel less(not at all to the US if possible) and to donate more time to his indian affairs. his inner circle of handlers has started a bureau of indian affairs, much like the corrupt US government agency of the same name. nityo has an arrest record six computer pages long. as the secretary of the cathedral of healing, he was one of the supporters of the k swa world domination plan and rose to the highest ranks as a k swa supporter. a convert to radhanathism, nityo is a charter member of the heman woman haters club, but he has since renounced that renunciation to serve his trinidad disciples more completely. two years as personal servant to k swa inspired his autobiographical essay series "on tour with bhaktipada", highlighting their jet set adventures. nityo conducted the first prins rape investigations, found out some of those prins raped and then saw to it that the victims were exiled, in defense of prins who left k swa to become a radhanath disciple. nityo then orchestrated the coverup attempt to defend prins, until the arranged plea bargain had prins pleading guilty to raping three adult women and three teenage girls. all the assaults on the infants go unpunished, undocumented and unapologized. nityo swami is currently working on nityo's palace of pleasure, a three story fornication facility that has cost more money and taken more time to build than the original Palace. david wolf(dhira govinda das)provides more misinformation than most as one of ISKCON's psychiatric counselors, alleging to be able to speak for constituents he less than fairly represnts. long time exponent of the wide variety of schemes that ISKCON has proposed to make the child abuse scandal go away. developer of the "declare a victory" strategy which has each ISKCON front organization(children of KRSNA, etc.) declaring a victory at having captured the moral highground, from which they can preach down to those found to be spiritually inferior by ISKCON's hierarchy. tamohara will respond usually no more than once or twice before every one trying to contact him with complaints is regarded as some kind of threat to the mothership. "too hostile to work with." end of story. and now proposing sanyass, with hopefully better results than with his tenure as head man at CPO. the fact that ISKCON lacks either a consistent or comprehensive policy on abusers is highlighted by the cases of flagrant disregard for decisions by the still insolent perpetrators. tamohara has complained that he has only been on the job for two years and therefore he hasn't had the time to implement any of his policy changes from the last management debacle. what policy changes? laxmimoni 1 (800) phone service available for friends and relatives, but complaints are forwarded to an over filled voice mail box which wouldn't respond if you did get through. frequent travels to india cut the efficiency of this world wide known example of " how could one have been that high up in the gurukula for so long and not know what was going wrong?" individuals purporting to dispense knowledge should do just that. repeating party line, "make you feel good" lies is useless. "pie in the sky" prognostications as fact are both misleading and counter productive. covering up the facts in the guise of "stopping fault finding" or "protecting Srila Prabhupada's movement" is both absurd and offensive. new vrndaban has pushed forward with a new frontier in the scam resume they have created for so many years. this one is run from the kuladri office in wheeling and is basically a shakedown of the indian expatriate community. these telemarketers are hired to solicit donations as a "temple devotee" and the solicited funds are only marginally directed at the projects they were collected for. the hired telemarketer collects a percentage of the gross but of late there have been problems with the safety of this method. the problem with subcontracting out a scam is that the scam trainee can, and has in many cases, just start using these lists and calling for themselves once they have access to these mailing lists. (for sample lists of bilked indian donors, click here.) these telemarketers can pick their own name or take one from the pre-approved list supplied by the scammers running this fraud of the indian community. sucker and mail lists for sale are not the standard set by Swami maharaj's mission, or any other bonafide vaishnav organization. do you really want to trust this organization with your personal data and/or your credit card information? in better times than these, with more reputable people at the helm, this policy proved disastrous for many. the life member community will now all get the same as they got prior to the reorganization, nothing. the monthly milk sweets no longer exist. BTG magazine, when printed, does not even print enough to send to all the life members they promised to. life members information is compromised as a marketable commodity by NV's telemarketing king, kuladri. many devotees have turned their hands up to the sky, asking GOD, "where will it all end?"