CHAPTER 4: "GURU IS ONE", which one? "if i only knew then, what i know now." === anonymous the rubber tired armor personnel carrier sat in the ready at the limestone, west virginia volunteer fire department parking lot. they would only be called in if they were needed and as far as the information from the spies in the compound went, they wouldn't be needed. they knew that all the pre-daylight activity took place at the other end of the 6,000 acre farm. they knew exactly where the hats, stickers, and other related paraphernalia used to solicit cash from the populace were manufactured and where they were stored. the federal troops had used the nearest flat area for a staging area before the raid on the compound. the FBI would conduct the raid and the swat team and the APC's would only be called in if there was a problem. the FBI agents and the justice department had assured all those with prior knowledge that the raid would come off without a hitch. a similar strategy just a few months later would bring a searing end to many lives at the branch davidian compound, but this time the feds were right. no resistance. they had scouted the community for years and now well knew what to expect.the dawn raid found no one at the bahulaban* farm, so it was "a walk in the park" for the sledge hammer wielding, armor clad representatives of the land of religious freedom. long live liberty. new vrndaban had "gone political" in 1979 at the urging of some of the more activist wing of the commune and without much thought, the entire commune rolled into the voter registration center and registered almost three hundred brand new republican voters into a state that was still quite proud of it's "solid south" voting record of having democratic in every election, except ike, since the civil war. the reagan election in 1980 brought to power the conservative right with a fervor of not seen since the nixon resignation. the legacy the reagan administration would leave would be a brand on the backs of those that lived through it. the first president to take seriously the threat to a godless, capitalistic society from within their own borders. reagan aimed to, surreptitiously, subvert the religious freedoms of those not in his particular klan. new vrndaban had to learn the hard way that old systems die hard. in the past, saintly kings may have behaved in certain ways, but that had nothing to do with the here and the now. if God was going to appear whenever religious practices declined or when irreligion was prominent, many think He should have gotten here twenty years or so ago. the divine right of kings only worked so long as the kings stayed divinely inspired. the divine right of presidents is an obvious failure and the divine right of unauthorized gurus has put the movement into a stage of progress not resembling anything seen in this realm in the last 5,000 years. arjuna challenged KRSNA's seniority to the sun god and KRSNA had to show enough of the universal form at each instance, so as to bring the living being to the next level in their spiritual progress. reagan's attorney general had a hit list of groups within the US borders that posed a threat to the supremacy of the federal government into it's citizens lives. the new vrndaban community was considered by ed meese's justice department to be the fourth largest terrorist threat in the US, coming in just behind lyndon larouche, at number one, rev. moon at number two, ragneesh at number three, his commune just have elected their own commune member as sheriff of the entire county. ISKCON, the international, placed eighth on the top ten list, just behind the unfortunates at the waco flesh fry. what the shootings at kent state did to scare people from demonstrating against government policy, the systematic elimination of religious sects other than the slaves of the cross, did to membership in commitment seeking spiritual organizations. persecution may serve to decrease membership of the numbers of those professing dissent, but that by no means solves the problem and more often has the reverse effect of galvanizing the strength of the resistance. new vrndaban now posed a threat to the federal government that they would not tolerate and the commune was raided for racketeering. the same cowboy, gun-slinger mood continues to the present administrations justice department, but the most influential intrusion into the commune came under attorney general janet reno. kuladri, speaking at the new vrndaban janmastami festival of 1985, quoted the county sheriff:"the Hare KRSNAs have become the largest landowners in the county, outside of the consolidated coal company. at the rate they're going, they'll be the biggest before long. hell, if they keep up at this rate, they'll be the biggest landowners in the state in five more years." kuladri drawled his best hillbilly accented imitation of his nemesis, sheriff bob lightner. lightner was a thorn in the side of the krsnas and k swa had delegated his authority to kuladri in all matters having to do with the law enforcement officials. the FBI still looking for tommy meyers(taru das) now saw only kuladri. if they wanted to see k swa, they would need to set up an appointment with his attorney, jim lees.usually now, the only thing they saw one another about was the resolution of traffic tickets. envy is such that it must come out, no matter how well restrained it once was. the KRSNAs had money and the locals were envious. in any organizational meeting in the ohio valley, the KRSNAs were the major topic of discussion. from political party meetings, to church suppers, from school board meetings to ku klux klan meetings, the KRSNAs were the topic. the construction of Prabhupada's Palace required cement, sand and gravel. lots of cement, sand and gravel. you could either bring in lots of loads of little trucks or fewer loads of big trucks. new vrndaban brought in lots of loads of big trucks. the cement trucks initially came in bag lots, later in bulk fed tanker trucks. the bag lot trucks had 500 bags to a truckload. 500 bags at one hundred pounds per bag made the load alone weigh fifty thousand pounds. all this over roads marked with an eight ton weight limit. the ticket on this one depends on how many pounds over weight the truck is when the police catch it, so the game was always to get the truck unloaded before you got caught. the police might show up at any time with a scale to weigh the truck. the scale is about the size of a suitcase and you put it under one wheel and it tells you the weight of the truck and it even figures out the amount of the ticket. a ticket was about $ 1500 but more often than not, the trucks got unloaded before the police arrived. some times the police arrived while the truck was being unloaded and this produced any number of confrontations. battles of will between the police and the communities representative had fallen to kuladri since the time k swa almost got arrested for ordering devotees to unload the truck, against the sheriff's orders. kuladri used to do this as "devotional service". now he requires $ 80,000 to do the same job. still, kuladri had direct personal instruction from his guru to stay with k swa and assist him with his life's work and so far, even though it had been "uphill", it had taken k swa's #2 to heights he'd only aspired to earlier. sure, he complained about moving all of the time, but wasn't he always upgrading the quality of his life style? he was k swa's #2 and as such, he stayed as close behind as any brown nosed yes man might have to stand to be successful. new vrndaban currently holds the liberal democratic philosophy espoused by the american flag over the palace and the kerry campaign signs on all the lawns. back in the earlier days of new vrndaban, the more republican trickle down economic theories were much more prevalent. if you were near someone with maha prasadam, it might just trickle down to you. being #2 to one whose being worshiped "as good as God" might not be half bad, kuladri came to know and, in spite of all his whining, he was quite happy where he was. when one year old, $ 40,000, four wheel drive SUV's are considered "remnants", anyone with any greed in him would become "hungry". k swa continued to whet kuladri's appetite.